Public Education Advocacy

July 2009 video (See Below) – Murphy School District #21 – US  Dept of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR.DENVER) case # 08091231.

The School Board issues continued so I had to file OCR.DENVER case 08151076 and Federally mediate that the Murphy SD21 get in compliance with the signed Federal resolution of 2012. Interim Superintendent Jose Diaz signed the 7/1/2015 Federal agreement to stop Discriminating vs LEP Parents in Board meetings.

The MSD21 School Board meetings are still being held with federal and state violations . The Federal violations were complained about in 2009, 2015 and now in 2016. More Federal OCR intervention to follow.


Silverio Garcia, Justice For All sole proprietor, spoke at  the “50:06” minute mark in the digital video below.

During the Mexican American Studies (MAS) struggle inside TUSD1, Latino Students walked out of TUSD1 and took it to the TUSD1 Administrative Offices. (See Below) This Los Tigres del Norte song (Somos MAS Americanos) became their cry and the song was actually contested by the Anglo, Super-Conservative minded Administrative Law in Arizona which included Tom Horne, John Huppenthal and an Administrative law judge whose specialty was “Real Estate” and not Education nor Civil Rights. What an Injustice and Travesty !

2012 – (See Below) Garcia vs Garcia inside TUSD1 discrimination federal investigations..during Mexican American Studies fiasco…..Silverio Garcia filed (3) federal civil rights complaints vs TUSD1…..COMPLAINTS WERE FOUND CREDIBLE & FEDS intervened in all (3) complaints vs TUSD1.


June 2012 – (See Below) TUSD1 Board meeting to set the record straight with the TUSD1 School Board – Interpreters are very needed in TUSD1 meetings and I have asked the FEDS to intervene.

When I attended the TUSD1 Board Meeting, I was accompanied by my good friend Michelle Alvarez. Michelle proceeded to tell one of the Board Members why he was so “Pathetic” !

Please listen to Ms Alvarez….she’s quite passionate about her thoughts as an Educator. Shame on You Mr. Hicks !