About Silverio Garcia Jr.

Silverio Garcia Jr was born in Richmond, Texas in 1956. As the son of Farmworker parents raised in the heartland of “La Onda Tejana” around the San Antonio/Fort Bend County areas, Silverio was raised with all those values and passion for helping those in need. Silverio’s family exited the farmworker life when he was born however his family was deeply rooted in the farmworker struggles.

Both sets of Silverio’s Grand parents were born in Mexico………in San Luis Potossi and in Coahuila, Mexico. Silverio lived in a segregated barrio throughout his elementary and high school days in Brookside Village, Texas. Silverio was blessed to have had a very caring Mother, Antonia Lopez Garcia. His Mom was a daughter of a Farmworker Foremen who rounded labor up to work the many fields/“labores” of Fort Bend County, Texas.

Silverio’s Mom was taken out of the public school system in second grade so she could help work in the fields and help bring in an income for her family. Silverio at a young age was told over and over by his Mom that an education in the United States was precious and a very needed thing if one desired to be a success in America. Silverio was never allowed to miss any days of school and became very successful in elementary, middle and high school. Silverio’s Mom instilled in him that everyone deserves an educational opportunity even those in the “fields”(labores).

110-238x156With no one ever having gone to College in his family ever, Silverio knew nothing of Counselors nor of any college opportunities. Before Silverio graduated high school, he enlisted in the US Nuclear Navy delayed entry program. Silverio graduated high school in May 1974 and in February 1975 he entered active duty in the US Nuclear Navy for eight and a third (8.3) years. Silverio became an Electronics Technician/Supervisor in the Nuclear Navy while at the same time qualifying as a Nuclear Reactor Operator and Electronics/ Instrumentation and Control Technician. Silverio earned two (2) Good Conduct Medals and traveled the world before being honorably discharged in April 1983.

Long story short, Silverio worked in Texas as a nuclear auxiliary operator and eventually ended up in Arizona working at the Palo Verde Nuclear Power plant from Feb 1986 to Sept 2007. In 1992, Silverio enrolled his oldest son in kindergarten and commenced learning the Arizona public education system rules, laws and federal non-compliances.

In SY1997-1998, Silverio filed his first class-action Federal Civil Rights complaint vs Buckeye Elementary SD33. Since then, Silverio has been advocating for the Undocumented Immigrant Community. To date, Silverio has filed approximately one-hundred (100) complaints in advocating for the Community. He is well-known and highly respected in the US Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) office in Denver, Colorado for his high quality, effective and all inclusive issued federal civil rights complaints since SY1997-1998.

Today Silverio Garcia is the sole proprietor of Justice For All, LLC with a plan/proposal to inform, educate and empower all the residents of Arizona in Civil Rights laws,especially, the much-abused Undocumented Immigrant Community (UIC).

Silverio needs your financial & moral support !

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